Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cascade River State Park

The Northshore is home to the most beautiful rivers in Minnesota.  These rivers offer spring steelhead and Kamloops rainbow runs,  fall Pink salmon runs and decent trout fishing at points.
Upper Cascade

Cascade River State Park offers camping within walking distance of the falls. The Superior Hiking Trail runs through the park, and this can be followed to many of the fishing locations.  
Columbine grows on the edge of the falls
To fish for trout in the park, you must hike above the falls (unless it is spring and you're fishing for kamloops).  The river widens considerably and the water slows. 

The author fishing a deep hole
There are a few decent holes that I like to fish, and plenty of fish hold behind structure in the river.  The areas that move at about 1'/sec are right for these trout.

A small Brown trout

I have been successful with both small trico spinners and small bead-head nymphs.  These waters hold small rainbow and brown trout. 

Rainbow trout taken on a trico

Rainbow release

Brigitta with a Luna moth
In the evenings, ir you're lucky, you may come across a Luna moth or a polyphemus moth fluttering about. 

View from Lutsen mountain in the fall

In the fall, the Pink salmon return to the mouth of the Cascade to spawn.  The males have a distinctive humped back that forms upon entering Superior.  Post spawn, the salmon die.  Egg patterns work best for these fish.
The author with a humpie on line
Male Pink salmon


  1. Do the small trout taste better than the large ones? You have to take me fishing sometime man.

  2. Not necessarily, unless the fish is very old. These trout were too small to get anything decent off of them, so they weren't kept. As for the anadramous trout and salmon, (moving from stream to great lake or sea) they are best when caught out in the large body of water or upon just returning to their spawning grounds. The pink salmon above already had begun to decay and tasted awful. I would really enjoy taking you fishing.
