Reverend Aadland drifting a dry fly
This Sunday I had the opportunity to fish with my girlfriend, Brigitta's father, Reverend Thomas Aadland. He showed me a new fly he had picked up that was litterally a black 'fly'. Tonight, I decided to tie my own version, and created the deer fly pattern.
Deer flies are very common in Minnesota and can be quite a nuscience. If this fly is succesful at catching trout, then it may be the fly's only redeeming quality. I have yet to fish the fly, but will report back after doing so later this week.
The 'deer fly' fly |
Materials: 1mm black sheet foam, thin-skin, rubber legs, brown rabbit dubbing, flashabou.
Underside of the fly |
You can see the flashabou on the underside of the fly here to add a glimmer when sitting on the water. I also used the excess flashabou to segregate the foam on the head to create the appearance of eyes.
Best Fishes!